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a ltitle about me & a little about you

{image tiny doll}

i have to admit that i have been feeling a bit under the weather lately and i have seen these floating around the blogosphere for a while and figured it was finally my turn to do one! join in! just copy and past the questions and fill them in on your own blog post. if you decide to do one, leave me a comment with the link so i can come read it and learn some more about you as well! i don't know about you guys, but i love these things. they are fun, c'mon, just admit it, it's a great way to learn a little about each other. here we go:

Making :
a dress for my friend's new baby girl addison
Cooking :chili for dinner

Drinking : vegetable juice

Reading: the reader's digest complete guide to sewing (yes, this is really what i am reading)

Wanting: a new pair of flat boots for the fall/winter

at the ocean/mountain view from our deck
Playing: tea party with mackenzie

time by making a schedule of all the new upcoming shows i want to watch - sad i know
Sewing: a new quilt for me & the hubby

Wishing: my family lived closer

Enjoying: the sunshine

Waiting: for my hubby to get home from work
Liking: all the family time we have had this summer

Wondering: when i'm going to find the time to finally finish folding the 3 loads of laundry piled up in my living room

Loving: that mackenzie is almost potty trained!

Hoping: that it doesn't rain as much this winter as it usually does
Marvelling: at how quickly time has flown by
Needing: some new winter clothes

Smelling: mackenzie's hair as she cuddles me

Wearing: yoga capris and a tank top

Following: project runway!!!

Noticing: how ruffles seem to be everywhere and on everything this season

Knowing: that eventually one day i will figure out how to run my sewing machine properly

of what we are going to get up to this weekend and if it will involve finally shampooing our carpets - yuck!
Bookmarking: the links you all so nicely left for me on my post yesterday
Opening: the newest issue of house & home that just came in the mail!!!
Giggling: over mackenzie helping me cook with her apron on and nothing else, ahhhh the joys of potty training
Feeling: tired

yippee!! i'm done! that was fun! c'mon....join in on the fun - you know you wanna!

are there any questions you would love to know about me? ask away in the comments below and if enough of you want to know a bit more about lil'ol me, i may just put together a fun little post about it answering all your questions.