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a little about me and a little about you - babyhood bonaza edition!

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there's a lot of new readers popping in around here and i figured it's probably about time that i actually wrote my "about" page for this blog. yes, it's been way too long. will anyone read it or care? i don't know, but what i do know is that it's one of my fave things to read on other bloggers sites so here goes with mine.......

want to know more about luvinthemommyhood and lil' ol me? here's the lowdown on how i became a part of the mommyhood!

the mommyhood. what is it? is it a real word? does it have a map? an atlas anyone?

luvinthemommyhood is a place to give moms a one stop shop of what i think makes life in the mommyhood fabulous and inspiring. luvinthemommyhood is your source for a wealth of information ranging from handmade & repurposing projects, mommyhood survival tips, to photography, music and books. luvinthemommyhood serves it up with humour and a dose of daily life in the mommyhood - there’s something for everyone in this friendly neighbourhood!

who's behind luvinthemommyhood?

a fun loving, chatty momma (pic to come when i have time to actually do my hair and shower) who loves her family and friends and lives to laugh...oh, and my name is shannon. i’m a wife and also a stay-at-home mom to my 3 yr old daughter & new baby girl, who is happily living near the ocean on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. i’m currently learning how to sew (and show you how too), figuring out html (yuck - can we say headache!), crafting (when i have time), parenting (when my 3 year old isn't throwing tantrums), cooking (when i'm not breastfeeding on the couch), keeping the dreaded laundry pile down (don't you just love laundry...not) and coffee in my system (definitely a necessity) all while sharing it with the world.

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how did luvinthemommyhood begin?

well...let's just say i was lonely. if any of you know me, you know i love to chat. i am a big fan of the run on sentence and just live for a great gabfest. suddenly, in the spring of 2007 my first daughter was born and i was suddenly stuck at home, with nobody to talk to. yep, my worst nightmare. did i sit around and cry about it? a bit. did i whine to the hubs? a bit. what did i end up doing? i picked my sorry, post baby butt off the couch and started a blog. a personal blog.

originally luvinthemommyhood was for family and friends eyes only. i ranted about my poor boobs and the fear of the dreaded "rock in sock" look after breastfeeding, my addiction to coffee, old melrose place & murder she wrote episodes and all things mommy. i posted pics of my little girl and just talked........then suddenly people started reading. eeek!!! they know i wear spanks!

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at first it was weird knowing people i didn't know were reading, but then the addiction started. y'all know what i mean. this wonderful blogging community is so warm and inviting, it's like a giant hug from your bestest friend. i started to think about turning the blog into more than just my thoughts on my daughter and make my little dream come true of creating my own "neighbourhood" where moms can come and enjoy a cup of coffee and some girl chat (it also prevents you from boring your hubby to death with endless girl chatter that they care nothing about).

you see i grew up in a small town where my friends could just pop on over in 5 minutes (no phone calls needed) to their bff's house down the road and have some laughs while the toddlers played. while i had a reality check. i was living in vancouver, bc and let me tell you. you can't get anywhere in 5 minutes unless it's down your elevator and even that is a feat. so luvinthemommyhood is my way to connect moms and to recreate that feeling of having somewhere to go for all things mommy. to share in the hardships that nobody talks about (like when your kid poops on the floor), the fears we all have (are we good enough?), the joys we experience (that first smile from your new baby) and all the fun things that come along with mommyhood.

so why not come by for a visit. there's no need to call, just stop on by. i promise it's a warm, friendly neighbourhood that mr. rogers doesn't frequent. there's lots of goodies for everyone in the mommyhood and the real estate is free! won't you be my neighbour...haha, ok...that was lame, but i couldn't help myself.

to read the rest.... click here.

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a little about me and a little about you!

i did one of these last year and had tons of fun, so i thought why not do another one? wanna join in? simply copy the first word of each line below and insert your answers and post away! leave a comment below if you shared your answers so i can come read em!

a surprise pressie for my besties cindy and krystal
Cooking : leftovers for dinner

Drinking : water

Reading: "the girl with the dragon tatoo" and my copy of "house and home" magazine

Wanting: a shiny new labtop

at my new precious baby girl
Playing: puzzles with mackenzie

time drooling over all the projects i have no time to make
Sewing: a tutorial for all you folks

Wishing: my family lived closer

Enjoying: the sunshine

Waiting: for my hubby to get home from work & school
Liking: our new family of four

how i got so lucky to be so blessed
Loving: that the baby is sleeping through the night

Hoping: that she stays sleeping through the night and that our toddler will soon too
Marvelling: at how quickly time has flown by
Needing: some clothes that actually fit me

Smelling: mackenzie's hair as she cuddles me

Wearing: pj's

the bachelorette...c'mon, i know you all are too - just admit it :)
Noticing: how talented all you ladies are! so many wonderful blogs out there!

Knowing: that eventually one day i will figure out how to run my sewing machine properly
and get daring enough to make something with a zipper and a buttonhole.
that it's time to get the kids to bed so i might actually get to sew.
Bookmarking: the next pattern i am going to make out of "simple sewing for baby" by lotta jansdotter.
Opening: the newest issue of house & home that just came in the mail!!!
Giggling: over funny emails the hubs sends me
Feeling: thankful that people actually read and enjoy my blog :)

are there any questions you would love to know about me? ask away in the comments below and if enough of you want to know a bit more about lil'ol me, i may just put together a fun little post about it answering all your questions.