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weekend wishes

to snuggle up with family........

we've got family in town visiting. my nana and papa. i heart when family comes to town. i'm from a small town up north where most of my family all lived. it's a weird transition, that i still haven't fully grown out of, to go from having your loved ones 5 minutes away to 2 days away. i grew up with both sets of grandparents at every birthday, at school events and pretty much any other celebration or important event in my life. looking back at my childhood they have always been there. i've been very lucky.

it does sadden me though that my girls won't have the same kind of experiences. the hubs and i make a huge effort to have our families be a huge part of our daughters lives and memories even though they aren't here in person all the time. thanks to technology, this is a lot easier nowadays. we can chat on the phone, share photos, videos, web chat (if we ever get around to it.. haha), blog, vlog and pretty much share our lives with our loved ones. so this weekend i plan on hanging with my family and cherishing my girls getting a chance to snuggle in close and feel the love that only great- nana's and great-papa's can give. of course, i may sneak in there too. you're never too old for hugs from the grandparents :)

what are your weekend wishes this weekend? do you live far away from your family? did you grow up with your grandparents in the same town or city?

p.s. missing all the family - luv you guys :)

*all images copyright luvinthemommyhood