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weekend wishes

to daydream about sleeping in this bedroom...

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to add some sea foam tables to my living room...

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to hang out & chat crafty things with all of you & enjoy a cuppa tea here...

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the hunter boot fantasy day...

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to get over my deathly fear of bears...

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to recover some of my "ugly" books on my sewing wall shelf...

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to learn how to make sushi...mmmm, love sushi...

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to add some butterflies to the girl's room...

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you smiling?...
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to keep this color palette going in my home.

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well today's weekend wishes almost didn't make it but one of my wishes was to get this post up. they are therapeutic to me and even when life gets really stressful, really busy, really exhausting weekend wishes always seems to cheer me up and give me that extra nudge to make it through the day. i love that you all enjoy this post as well and it's my fave one to do out of the week.

we're pretty sleep deprived in our house right now thus the almost lack of this post. my brain isn't functioning..haha. i fell asleep sitting up staring at my laptop last night. hilarious. i realized it was time to turn it off, regroup and post in the morning because all you were going to get from me was goobily goop, spelling errors and lots of senseless rambling...well there may be a bit of that too today but you all forgive me right?

this weekend is the baby shower a friend and i are planning. i'm so excited! i can't wait to show you all the crafty goodness me and rebecca have been up to! it's been so fun to taunt and torture our friend amy about all the little things we have planned :) i'll be posting next week with some pics and even a little tutorial if you are all interested.

we are into full overtime/tax season swing around here. the hubby has been working every night this week (thus my exhaustion) and will be working both days this weekend as well. so coffee is my friend even more than it's ever been. i think the hubs and i could sleep for a few months straight at this point. i've got lots of sewing, crafting and goodies planned for this weekend and i'm hoping i get at least one thing crossed off my list. we've also got swimming lessons and lots of cuddling when daddy is home to be done.

what are you all up to this weekend? wanna have some tea and chat? any of you sleep deprived this week & flying solos sans hubby? any big crafting plans? wishing you a sleep filled, cozy, warm, snuggly weekend! hugs!

p.s. don't forget to get your entry in to win 2 patterns from little lizard king sewing patterns! click here to enter!