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weekend wishes

to keep those rain clouds at bay and bask in the sunshine...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to find a way to hang my vintage sheets all

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to make myself a new apron... (i've got to get my hands on this pattern)

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to do a lot of this...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to drink some coffee out of this fab mug...(what a great way to combine two of my fave things - coffee & photography)

Buy the The Camera Lens Mug at the Photojojo Store!

to find some new lovelies out thrifting...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

and to get to see my hubby for longer than 2 hours a day.

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

tgif. i'm excited for the weekend folks. that blogger crash really did a number on me. i lost a lot of work, almost lost my entire tutorial for the MODify dress and i am still missing posts and your wonderful comments. saying i was a wee bit stressed was an understatement. so i'm super excited that we get a three day long weekend here in canada and i'm super excited to have 3 whole days with the hubby!!! it's like an early xmas pressie! we've got plans but we don't. you know those weekends when you don't want to schedule anything but you wanna have fun? that's our weekend.

i've got a busted bed, a busted coffee maker among other things and errands must be run. harper needs a new carseat (any recommendations?) and our condo is in desperate need of reorganization. tax season did a number on us and we need to purge, purge, purge. i'm hoping that in between the purging, researching and shopping that we'll have time to play, laugh, cuddle, drink some good coffee, work on my knitting and finish up two new sewing projects i've got on the go.

the sun is shining and the baby is smiling at me with that "come over and play with me mommy eyes" when she should be napping so i'm keeping this one short folks. wishing you all a sunshine and good times filled weekend. get oustside, craft, snuggle and do all things yummy! see ya next week :)

what are your weekend wishes? what did you whip up this week? any new projects you want to share?