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weekend wishes

to make all you sleep and coffee deprived mommas laugh...
Source: via Jules on Pinterest

so we can all stop looking like this from lack of sleep...
Source: via Tanja Katharina on Pinterest

that one day the hubs & i can take a road trip again...
Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

that it doesn't rain this weekend...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to one day have one of these lovelies in my home...
Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to sleep here for a whole day...sans kidlets...
Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to get my hands on this lovely stash of  doilies...
Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

and to be able to eat wheat and sugar again so i could chow down on this for my birthday on monday.
Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

that's right folks. i'm gonna be another year older on monday.  i'll be the big 34.  yep.  it's scary but not as scary as 35 will be.  i have a fear of the mid's.  i didn't like turning 25 and i know i'll hate turning 35. something about being mid something.  like you're at the hump and it's all downhill into you are in the earlies again.  it's irrational, but hey, sometimes my brain works like that.  i have nothing planned to celebrate my being born except for causing a ruckus at knit night on saturday.  i'm hoping for shots of espresso and some serious table dancing right ladies? j/k (just so you all don't think i'm nuts we have our knit nights at a cafe that is open late and has live music).

the hubby is busy, busy this weekend so i'll be taking care of the kiddos while sleep and caffiene deprived and hoping to get some time to go sewing machine shopping.  that's what i'm getting for my bday but i still have to go try some out and pick out my new baby!  needless to say i am very, very excited!!!!  i'm also a wee bit behind on returning some of your emails (sorry about that) but will catching up with you all soon.  i've got some fun stuff planned for next week so stay tuned.

i'm on row 16 of my sweater for the summer sweater knit along!!!!!!!!  i can't stop knitting now and have to keep reminding myself to sew.  sometimes it's just easier to knit because i can sit with the kids and play and they have no idea i'm secretly very joyous inside because i've tricked them into thinking "mommy's not working" but really i'm knitting.  we're women and mothers right?  we can multitask amongst the best of them.

i hope your weekends are filled with sleep and lots of it.  i hope those of you working along in the KAL get time to relax and knit and those of you sewing get lots of time in stitch bliss :)  enjoy the sunshine and your families and have a wonderful weekend.  see ya on monday!

what are your plans this weekend?  has your toddler suddenly decided it's a newborn again & depriving you of some serious sleep?  do you have a newborn?  what are you crafting or cooking?  let's chat.

Oops - edited to add that we'll also be celebrating father's day round my sad state i forgot.  all i can think about is sleep and new sewing machines.  selfish momma..haha.