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moments in the mommyhood - stocking up

I Heart Linen Blend Squiggle Blue, Kona Cotton Natural, Brussels Washer Linen Blend Natural

it's been a bit like xmas for me around here lately and i couldn't resist sharing in my excitement with you all.  you all know that my little family lives on a tight budget with the hubs working full time and me as a blogger so fabric shopping and any extras are a process of me saving all my pennies from my lovely sponsors (you should check them out...they all rock)!  now that i have poppy the pfaff & have been busy organizing my sewing wall i realized that i was in desperate need of some new fabric.

All Kona Cottons

i try really hard to use all of my fabrics before buying more but lately it's been getting tricky to find enough yardage of certain prints to as time gunn says "make it work".  so i made a goal a few months ago to start saving up.  i went to my fave online sewing shops and made my wishlists.  yep, i'm a loser..haha.  i then drooled over my wishlists for a month or two and when it came time to order all i had to do was find the best price and place my order :)  sort of like an inspiration board of fabric swatches. 

i like a nice variety to mix and match from for the girls and for myself. i have to admit though that a lot of the prints i got i ordered in 1/2 yards to see if i really loved it in person and for some of them i'm kicking myself.  i should have ordered more but oh well, the ones i did order a larger amount of i can't even bring myself to cut into because i adore them so much.  like that linen turquoise design by rashida coleman-hale of the fabulous blog " i heart linen"..hello....LOVE!  saying i love her books, blog and fabric is an understatement. i think she oozes talent in her sleep. i also got a nice order from one of my sponsors stitch simple that supplies ready to use fabric.  what's that?  it's fabric that is already pre-washed and pressed!!! OMG!!! seriously, it comes all fresh and just begging to be sewn with.  i still keep looking at it all amazed i don't have to pink it and wash it.  heaven :)

Michael Miller Children at Play Just Stay Little Turquoise, Michael Miller Children at Play Hopscotch Pink

i did learn a little bit of a fabric lesson though.  i need to just keep a reserve for fabric shopping on hand so that when a new line comes out that i adore i can get it before it's sold out cause man has the s arah jane line for michael miller "children at play" been hard to get.  everywhere i went this line was sold out and i kept getting more and more bummed out.  i finally found it (and almost this entire order) from (awesome customer service here if you've never ordered from them before) and it is stunning.  absolutely gorgeous.  i'm still waiting on a few of the prints and already plan on ordering a whole whack load more.  it's beyond lovely and i've got a soft spot for illustrations on fabric.  i just want to plaster the girls in this line.

i've also got 2 yards of my fave print of the line "ballons in aqua" coming and i'm frothing at the mouth just waiting for it.  i'm obsessed with this print and it seems so are a lot of people as it was gone everywhere.  so lesson learned for me.  when i see a line pop up and my gut says you are going to love this and i have a few pennies put away i should snatch it up while i can.  it's been like torture to see all the lovelies made from this and not have it in my hands :)

Hoo's in the Forest Critters Pastel Blue, Hoo's in the Forest Trees Pink

i couldn't resist some turquoise and pink for the girls as well...a prerequisite in our house.  i always let mackenzie assist me in ordering fabric for her clothes as she is the one wearing them so i believe in letting her have a say in her clothes.  it would be a waste for me to order prints and make some cute clothes that just hang in her closet that she will never wear. she's very picky about her color palette and what she will and won't wear so i've learned the hard way to let her choose what she likes.  this season she was all over pink/purple and fruit and animals with a mix of princesses.  i even let her pick out harper's prints too. 
Hoo's in the Forest Strawberry Apple Pink, Alphabet Soup Girl Meow Pink

you should have seen her face when the order showed up.  the two of us sat together and drooled and oooohheed and awwwwed over the fabric like crazy people.  i'm so hoping my love of handmade rubs off on my girls.  so far so good.  when she sees clothes she likes now in the stores etc she now asks me to make it for her instead of asking me to buy it for her.  it seriously makes me tear up :)

1001 Peeps Villagers Lavender

the prints below are two of my faves that i've had on my "to buy" wishlist for a while and i'm so happy i finally sucked it up and ordered them as i can't stop looking at them.  i just want to plaster my sewing area with the print on top.  i'm addicted to it.

Michael Miller Sorbet Spa Scallop Coral, Sweet Nothings Dots Cream

i hope you guys don't mind me showing you all my new goodies.  i'm not trying to brag that i got some new fabrics but rather share my lovelies with my friends (all of you) that i know understand how exciting and thrilling it is to actually be able to order some fabrics that you've been lusting after.  i love seeing when you guys get new goodies too so i figured it was my turn for a little show and tell.  now i've got to get busy washing all of my new pressies, pressing them and folding them up on my new comic board inserts ala smashed peas and carrots so my fabric shelf looks as pretty as my new fabrics do.  so far it's been a major improvement.  i can actually see what i've got instead of it being a big jumbled half ass folded mess.  now i've got to get back to sitting by my phone waiting for the postman and delivery guy to show up with my knitpicks order..come home needles...momma's waiting for you :P

have you been fabric shopping lately?  what's your go to fabric shop to splurge in?  is there a line that you've been lusting after too?  share, share...let's chat :)