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A little slice of a dream come true - Mollie Makes


if you're crafty and love eye candy like me you may have heard of one of the newest and coolest lifestlye & craft mags out there - mollie makes!  i've been drooling and coveting this mag since it first premiered in may of 2011.  i've been reading their blog and daydreaming over getting my hands on every issue.  so when i opened my inbox last month and found an email from them i just about peed my pants!  can you believe it! i'm still shocked!
remember this pic?  this was a photo i shot of my pal rebecca's ( nook) jardain coaster tutorial that she did for versus in the summer.  they asked if they could use my photo in mollie makes as a full page!!! what!!!!!!!!!!! holy cow batman!!!! i swear i'm still in shock.  i can't wait to hold a hardcopy of it in my hands.  i already told the hubs i'm framing it and hanging it on the wall as proof that dreams can come true.  my oh my.  sometimes even a little slice of a dream come true can be enough to keep ya truckin' i tell ya.  one of my new year's resolutions this year was to get in a magazine.  that was fast.  lol...if only the lose 35 pounds one was equally as quick...muahaha.

here's what the inset says:

"When Rebecca of fame was invited by Shannon Cook to share her crochet love on the Versus blog (, she revealed how to make these super spiralled Jardain coasters with pretty petals.  All you need is a little bit of yarn and a little bit of time and whole set will be yours!  Found out more about Shannon and her inspirations at"  

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! and my fave the bottom left corner it says - photographer: shannon cook!  oh awesome!  i'm in no way trying to toot my own horn here people, i'm just so excited!  you guys are such a huge and influential part of my life how could i not share something so fun with you all!  it's been killing me not to be able to tell you all until now :)  this little blog of mine is such a dream for me.  it's a dream to be able to write every day, to get to sew, knit and design and share it with you all, to chat and form such special friendships - it's all amazing and so worth all the very looooong hours that it takes to keep this blog of mine going.  so something like this little slice of a dream come true of mine is so rewarding!  so thank you all for reading and for sharing in this wonderful journey right alongside with me.  i <3 you guys..xoxox!

now head on over to mollie makes and show them some luv ladies!!!  if you're in the us/canada you can find hard copies of where the mags are sold here:
The US: Barnes & Noble, JoAnns
Canada: Chapter, Coles
and you guys can subscribe to mollie makes through this link:
and download the iPad version here:
also don't miss out on the latest news from mollie makes either - sign up for their newsletter at the top of the page, here.

a huge thank you to mollie makes!  you guys rock!!!  thanks for making one of my dreams come true :)  you can find all things mollie makes here:

website facebook  |  twitter youtube

have you had any of your new year's resolutions become reality yet?  what's on your dream list?  it's friday m'dears and i'm super excited for the weekend!!!