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tops, tanks & tees knit along - binding off

pattern: gemini by jane richmond yarn: knit picks cotlin in colorway clementine

we've got sleeves! finally - yay! i felt like i wasn't going to get there but i pushed through and managed to get the sleeves separated at knit night on the weekend.  i've gotten a bit more done since then and am planning on knitting my brains out on this bad boy over the long weekend.  i've got some serious mileage to still put in on this top and i'm dying to wear it!

i'm happy to say it fits too!  i got to try it on after i separated the sleeves and even though i was really scared it was going to be giant (the thing looks huge before you separate) it fits great and i'm hoping it won't grow too big if i carefully block it.

i'm really looking forward to the ability of wearing the lacework in the front or in the back.  it's going to be my fave go to summer top and i can't stop envisioning it with a white tank and my fave jeans! and that yummy clementine color always makes me smile.

i've been looking forward to our upcoming posts starring all of your awesome tops! i'm completely amazed at all of your handiwork and your talents. it's been super inspiring and so fun to watch what you all are making.  i know a lot of you have reached the point of being done or getting near binding off (casting off) your projects so i thought i would round up a few links that are super helpful for choosing which kind of bind off suits the project you are working on.

better bind off from the purl bee

- stretchier bind off from knitting daily
great run down on various bind off techniques from knitty (recommended by
on ravelry).
- bind offs with videos on one of my faves -
- a better bind off from the purl bee
- jeny's suprisingly stretchy bind off on knitty
- stretchy bind off comparison over on stitch diva studios
- interlock bind off  also on knitty
- invisible bind off tutorial via crankygrrrrrl

 you can follow along with all things tops, tanks & tees kal here:

what is your fave way to bind off?  do you have a link or tip to share?  add it to the comments below and i'll put your link into the mini-roundup.  how's your project doing?  let's see pics ladies!!! i love WIP and FO shots!!  and don't forget to link up your knit along blog post in our linky party below.  happy knitting!

also, check out our awesome KAL sponsors! thanks guys!

join our linky party by linking up your "tops, tanks & tees knit along" blog post!