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moments in the mommyhood - daydreaming


i'm going to be busy daydreaming this week.  daydreaming about next week, daydreaming about spending more time with the hubs, daydreaming about how much stress will be lifted off of his and my shoulders, daydreaming about more family time, and daydreaming about more moments like the ones shown above. i love island life and boy do i love my little family.  i couldn't help but post these shots that so simply depict my fave part of the weekend.

can you hear the waves, can you smell the ocean breeze, and can you feel the suns rays trying with all their might to fight through those dark, deep green forest trees to soak you in all that is wonderful?  it's amazing how you can go from stress & worries and then sit down on our beautiful coastal island and just feel it melt away.  it's breathtaking and just one of those important places that reminds you not to sweat the small stuff and to just......well.....bask.  bask in the sound of the kids splashing in the surf while dad pretends to throw seaweed at them, bask in the sound of the birds, the freshness of the air, the feel of the sand and pebbles between your toes, the taste of a yummy pumpkin spice latte on your lips and cozy in your hands, the happiness of knowing you are holding a camera in your hand and that these little memories might just last that much longer if you can just catch them. snap. snap.....snap.

 see you all on wednesday <3

what are you daydreaming about this week?  what's it sound/feel/look like where you live?  i've got coffee and tea today...come join me :)

*all images luvinthemommyhood