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Happy Holidays!!!!!


Wishing you all a wonderful, egg nog (& kahlua), candy cane, pant splitting dinner, family, laughs, hugs, pressies, loved ones, smiles, laughter, friends, treats, cookies, music, games, snuggles galore filled holiday season!

I'm going to be taking a few days off to spend with my wee family and get some much needed relaxing and unplugged holiday time.  I wanted to pop in today to say THANK YOU all so much from the bottom of my heart for reading this blog and for being my friends.  You guys are such a big part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.  So since I can't reach out and hug you all in real life I'm sending big virtual ones to all of you.  I hope your holiday is a relaxing and a happy one.  Enjoy!!!

Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas!!!  See you in a few days!

p.s. if you have any real last minute sewing to do or want to spoil yourself over the holidays use the code "HOLIDAY" to get 10% off all my patterns in my etsy shop! woot woot!