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I know you have all been waiting so patiently for this announcement so I'm happy to finally be able to announce the dates for our annual Tops, Tanks & Tees Knit Along!!!

It's been a super busy April so this year we are going to try out May for the KAL. I'm also going to try out us only having 1 month for this KAL vs a longer duration like we usually do. I find you gals are usually on your 2nd projects by the time the end rolls near so if we run the TTTKAL shorter it allows a bit more of a break in between this and the Summer Sweater Knit Along. So mark your calendars and get ready to join in!!! You can always find our Knit Along Directory here.

Our TTTKAL is simply knitting a top, tank or tee to join in!  You can make it out of any weight of yarn, any style you'd like - it just can't have full sleeves or be considered a full sweater!  It can be really summery or it can be warm and cozy with short sleeves. We want you to be free to knit what you'd love to be wearing this spring & summer! There are so many wonderful patterns out since last year's KAL I know you won't have a hard time finding one to knit or crochet! Fun right? But to make it easier you can follow and get inspiration on our Tops, Tanks & Tees Pinterest Board! Make sure to use our hashtag #tttkal on social media and on pinterest!

Togue Pond by Pam Allen
Togue Pond by Pam Allen
Plus you get to knit along with our great group of gals online!  We're lots of fun and the ravelry group is very active and chatty during our kal's. Think of it as sitting each week with hundreds of ladies knitting/crocheting alongside you cheering you on every step of the way!  Trust me - it's fun! We will also have a handy Tops, Tanks & Tees Knit Along Homepage on my website! You will always be able to find all of the posts and relevant info on that page !

Our knit alongs are suitable for any level of knitter! If this is your first garment - don't be scared to join in!  We've got a great group of ladies in our ravelry group and we are all always game to help and answer any questions!  During our knit alongs there is always great technical posts with lots of info, tips & tutorials to help you get through your projects.  We also have a new Tips & Techniques page that you can always go check out that houses all of our helpful posts.

If you you haven't done a knit along with us before you don't want to miss the end rewards! When we are all done we celebrate with me showing off some of your finished projects on the blog here with our starring you post and then I host a giant giveaway with awesome prizes from our KAL sponsors!!!! All you have to do is sign up (link & info below) and have started or complected your project to be eligible. 

So what do you say? You ready to join in for our Tops, Tanks & Tees Knit Along? Yay! You can find all the info and details below!


Start: May 7th
End: May 28th with a fun giveaway!


- You can KNIT OR CROCHET ANY PATTERN OF YOUR LIKING that fits under the category of a top, tank or tee.  This can be either for an adult or a child.  Your project cannot have full length sleeves.  any weight of yarn can be used.
- You don't need to finish your project (though we love it if you do) to be eligible for the giveaway but you do need to start.  We really want to encourage people to knit together and form a sense of community and online friendships.

- There will be a topic thread in our ravelry group that you can chat away about your projects, share patterns, cheer each other on and more.  Have fun with it!

- Have fun! For reals! That's a! You must have fun!

- If you're not on ravelry feel free to share your pics and chat in the comments. We love when you guys comment on the blog and it's also a fun place to have convos and share your blog posts as well.


Enter your info into this private form to be eligible for the prizes for the giveaway! You must have a project in progress during the KAL to be eligible. Projects already begun before the KAL started are allowed to be joined into the KAL. You can also double up KAL's if you are in an existing KAL with that project.

You can sign up by clicking on the link below.  
*Note: you must be signed up to be eligible to win the giveaway prizes at the end of the knit along.



1. RAVELRY. Find the KAL running in the Very Shannon Ravelry Group. The thread to chat in will be up today sometime so you can all pop in and share which projects you will be making, swatches, yarn choices etc. This is the part I find the most fun! I love all the chatting, friendships, laughs and support. If you haven't joined in over there before for our KAL's you should give it a try.

2. PINTEREST. We will have a fun Tops, Tanks & Tees Pinterest Board where you can find other  projects pinned to see different yarns & patterns and to get inspiration. We will be adding to this pinboard as the KAL progresses throughout the month so please share your projects pics with us! We love to see them!

3. BLOGS. Each week throughout the KAL, I will both be posting here on the blog along with some special guests. You will be able to read the posts hopefully every Wed throughout the duration of the knit along. Please feel free to join in and post on Wed as well and share your links in the comments so we can read your posts too!

4. SOCIAL MEDIA. You can follow along with pics and more with the hashtag #tttkal. You can find me on facebook, twitter, instagram and google+.

5. HOME PAGE. You can always keep up to date with all the posts, sponsors, details & more for the TTTKAL on our Tops, Tanks & Tees KAL Homepage!

Do you have a pattern in mind? What yarn are you planning on using? Pour a cup of coffee and let's chat TTTKAL!