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I have been bursting at the seams to tell you guys some exciting news!!! We've bought our first home! Wahoooo!

Over the last few months we've been going through all the steps in finalizing the purchase of our very first house!!! I wasn't able to mention anything online to you all until everything was done but now we're living in the middle of packing chaos and getting very excited for the big move! I keep pinching myself to make sure it's all real!

We take possession at the end of July and we cannot wait for all the space! We've been living with both girls in our 2 bedroom condo for almost 7 years! We love the place we've been renting but we can't wait to have some more personal space, a small yard and for momma to have her own office!!! We spent a loooooong time looking and seeing way more houses/townhouses than I think I ever needed to. Boy do I not miss that stage of real We knew when we walked in the house we bought that it was meant to be ours.

The hubs and I have worked so hard and saved so much to be able to buy our first home. It's been such a dream of ours for us and our kidlets and it feels amazing to have our dream come true!!! I can't wait for all the little things....planting our garden, painting the walls, decorating, fun diy projects and more! I mean just getting to buy a welcome mat is going to put me into a happy jig! So many "house" things that I just can't wait to do! If you see a woman in Target dancing in the home aisles you know it's me ;)

Needless to say July is going to be a tad different on the blog. We've got a family vacation planned (our first in many years) and of course, the big move! I will still be blogging and trying to keep things as normal as possible around here but there may be a few moments when things are a tad quieter. Don't worry though, there are lots of fun things in the works that are coming your way soon! The Summer Sweater Knit Along is in the works, our Frankie Dress Pattern is so close to going into testing and there are some knitterly goodies coming your way as well! I've also got a few finished sewing projects that I need to blog about too! So stay tuned!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading all these years, and for supporting this blog and my pattern designs! It means so much that I get to share this next journey in my life with all of you!