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Beachside |
Beachside |
Beachside |
Beachside |
Beachside |
Glen Lake |
Waterlilies |

This is what we've been up to lately.

Now that we are in the new house it's time to explore! We're so lucky to live in an area now that is accessible to tons of amenities, the city and also gorgeous farm land and ocean beaches with mountain views! Both the hubs and I grew up in very small towns and we love the more relaxed feel of our neighborhood. We also love that we have all new surroundings to explore and tons of accessible outdoor landscapes! So many lovely off the beaten path views.

It's been hard to get the rest of the unpacking/chores done when all we want to do is enjoy the house and the new sights! Beaches, lakes and more are calling our names! So even though I know I "should" be unpacking this time I'm telling myself "it can wait". There's more important things to do. Like skipping rocks at the ocean, laying on the rocky shore with my best friend and love of my life, watching our girls laugh and play in the ocean, soaking up the summer sun, smelling the coastal breeze and breathing in the fresh air. Those darn pesky boxes can wait.

So that means the sewing time has been non-existent at the moment. Until this momma gets her office fully unpacked and her shelves set up the sewing is on hold. But I do promise it will be soon. I've got some new shelves being delivered this week and then I hope to get back into full work mode and say a big hello to my babies! I swear I can feel my serger/sewing machine staring at me with judgement. They don't like to be ignored. I'll make it up to them soon.

Until then, put aside your chores (and any unpacked boxes you may have), and get outside and explore! Bring a notebook, your camera and your loved ones and go be free. If even for 10 minutes. I swear it will come back tenfold in creativity. You'll feel even more inspired and much more happier to get those pesky chores and unpacking done when your soul is full.

What's your favorite way to inspire yourself outdoors? How do you balance your "chores" with your fun time? Do you have a favorite place to go unwind and recharge your creative batteries? I've got a coffee cup with your name on it! Come chat with me! I always love to hear from you. And heck.....chatting with all you lovelies is a heckuva lot more fun than unpacking. So come help me procrastinate ;)