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Unfortunately I had a very hard loss on Sunday. My grandmother, who was very close to me passed away. I was so  blessed to grow up my whole life with her a few houses down. She was there for all the moments (both big and small) and I adored her fun loving, charitable and sweet self. She was such an inspiration to me and inspired my love of sewing - it was her favourite thing to to do (besides gardening & playing tennis - both of which I also enjoy - we even played doubles in tournaments together!). As you can understand I’ve not been well and have been with my family.

I was with my Nana for hours this past Saturday at the hospital and was knitting up my swatch for the TTTKAL. At one point my nana needed me to help her with some things and I had put my knitting aside. After we were done she said to me “please keep knitting, I like it when you knit” and so I picked back up my needles. I remember looking up at her a few minutes later, and through all of her pain she had this big smile on her face. So my TTTKAL project will always hold a special place in my  heart. She touched my yarn that day and she also touched my heart. Whenever I hold it I will see her smile.

xoxoxoxoxo Hold those you love close to you.

p.s Thank you so much to all of you who have emailed, messaged, commented on FB and IG and who have called and texted. I so appreciate your kind words, sweet gestures and memories that you shared. Thank you so much for your support - it means so much. 

The The Tops, Tanks & Tees sign up page and homepage will be live by next week. For now I’m taking it day by day right now.

Thank you all for your understanding and patience during this time. I’m going to add 1 week extra to the timeline to make up for the late sign up. So keep on knitting away.....

/// Yarn: Kestrel from Quince & Co. /// Pattern: Birdie by Bristol Ivy