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weekend wishes

to give you all giant hugs to say thank you for my great news this week...

Source: via Meghan on Pinterest

to make one of these masks to hide when i'm doing that whole i'm awake but really sleeping thing that happens to us very sleep deprived mommies...

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to get my hands on some origami tea...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to see how many of these i can fit on my laptop table so i don't run out of coffee, tea and water while breastfeeding...

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that the sun shines so bright we all gotta wear shades...

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to live with my little family in a turquoise house on the beach...

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to one day make this many crocheted blankets...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to make a hula hoop rug out of t-shirts...

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to finally make my own whole wheat goldfish crackers...

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

to have a shower...alone.

Source: via luvinthemommyhood on Pinterest

wow...what a week! filled with so many ups, well.....and a few downs, but mostly ups. the ups were fantabulous and the downs sucked but hey...when there's ups who really remembers the downs right? i was so excited and shocked and over the moon about being listed as one of's top 50 craft blogs for 2011 (they're in alphabetical order)! i'm amazed at the company i am in!!! i was also voted as #3 in best for moms as well!!! i mean soulemama is #1! i'm so honored to just be in the same list as her as well as all the other fabulous crafty mommas listed!!!!! this is such an honor and to those of you who voted/nominated me i say a giant, huge, to the moon and back thank you! honestly...i'm just...well....HAPPY :) sending big hugs to you all. i had no idea i was even nominated nevermind a winner. go check out the other 49 ladies and wave hello to my mug shot on there!

this weekend i'm going to do something really exciting....wait for it......i'm going bra shopping. exciting right? not. i hate bra shopping but the girls are hanging too darn low and not listening to me anymore when i chant to them "reach for the stars - you can do it!" so off we go to pick mommy up a new hooter holder :P now bra shopping for me can be a quick process or a long one, i'm crossing my fingers for a get in and get out approach this weekend so i have more time to shop for fun things like thread or fabric or bedding.

i'm also hoping my back (i hurt my back walking slowly on a treadmill last sunday....ok, fine, it's ok...laugh, i won't be offended, it is sort of funny but also sad in a weird "i think that i hurt myself cause my bra was not holding my breasts up properly kind of way") feels well enough that i can go to the most horrible, yet enjoyable total body conditioning (aka put your body through hell) class that my sister and i go to every sunday morning at 9...eeeek! (this is my one break from the kidlets - have i finally lost it? wtf?) i swear the instructor is a scandinavian she devil. she is awesome and evil and that same time if that's even possible. i continue to go because i have a strong feeling that she has the power to tell my baby belly to hit the road and "don'tcha come back no more no more no more no more..." ok, (sorry broke into song there) and the afore mentioned baby belly would actually listen to her.

what are your plans this weekend? any crafting? i'll be working on my once upon a thread post. any of you doing any baking? bra shopping? fill me in's friday!!! woot woot!!!