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moments in the mommyhood - have no fear the carnival was here!

we hit up the carnival this weekend.  rides, music, cotton candy, games and that unforgettable buzz of excitement.  i swear you could feel the energy oozing off the kids.  i loved it.  this was mackenzie's first time even seeing a carnival so she was pumped.  our wee one is a bit of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to these things so we knew she would be geared up for the rides.  we thought maybe 1 or 2 that were just a simple circle ya know..start off slow.  ya right.  i should have known.  she wanted higher and faster.  so off we went to the mini roller coasters and flying helicopters.  she loved it!  i don't think i'll ever forget her face as she was flying through the air so happy, free and oozing with pride.  it was priceless.

the funny thing is that the hubs and i are wusses when it comes to carnivals.  we are scared of almost all the rides and just watching some of the adult ones had me dizzy and ready to barf.  i am pathetic, i know, but i'm scared of heights.  also when i was a teenager i would succumb to peer pressure and force myself to go on scarier rides and found myself in dangerous situations on more than one occasion where the machine broke or wasn't attached right and i almost fell out or got injured.  i now have a fear of those rides.  don't get me wrong, i love the carnival though.  i think my favorite part is the games.  i know they are sometimes a rip off but there is something about the excitement of winning a stuffie or having a boy win me one..wink wink..that i loved.  it was more fun than trying not to puke and cry in front of your friends if you get my drift :P

our camera died half way through so we missed out on a fair amount of pics (these were taken on our old camera, it was too hot to cart around our slr) so we missed out on a lot of fun stuff but when i got home low and behold...there were a fair amount of pics of this....

cute right? wait for it....

so funny.  if any of you have been a long time reader of this blog you all know how the hubs is notorious for stealing the camera and taking copious amounts of pics of him and the wee ones doing funny things and then leaving them on the camera for me to find.  the videos are hilarious. but i won't bore ya with those :P

how was harper during the carnival?  this was her.  sweaty and a tad grumpy from, as the hubs says, "being crammed in mom's cleavage for a few hours on a hot summer day".  what a guy.

do you remember your first time at the carnival?  anyone else have a fear of rides but still love going  to the carnie?  how was your weekend?  what did you get up to?  let's chat :)