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moments in the mommyhood - i heart the snail mail

one thing some of you may know about me is that i love mail.  real mail.  snail mail.  post office mail.  don't get me wrong...i love getting emails to my inbox too but there is something so exciting and invigorating about getting surprise packages or awaiting a goodie that's coming your way.  even my kids get involved in the excitement.  we look forward to checking our mailbox everyday.  yes, even when it's only a few times a year that packages come...we still like that "ya never know" vibe about mail :)  it always brings a giant smile to my face..unless of course it's a bill.  those can stay somewhere

 the other day an awesome, awesome, awesome pressie came in the mail from my lovely bloggy pal lindsay of the "the cottage home".  i heart lindsay.  she knows me so well.  i was doing jumps and squeals all over the house when i opened this puppy up.  i mean seriously!  how could a person not get excited when a package containing a sarah london book, lotta jansdotter fabric, an adorable TURQUOISE needle case, fabulous trims, fabric from ellen luckett baker's (of the long thread) new line, the most adorable sized charm pack from aneela hoey "walk in the woods" line...and see that melody miller fabric..i've been lusting after those prints for ages!  i need to cover my house in the dish one!  LOVE IT!  i can hardly contain myself just typing about it all....i'm drooling everywhere looking at my own pics.  i think i need to get out more...but made my month.  you rock lindsay!  i luv ya to bits! thank you soooo much! i cannot WAIT to be able to sew again and use all these lovely, inspiring goodies!  wanna see?

i love how this shot makes the fabric look like puzzle pieces!!

 besides acting like complete dorks when the mail person comes we've also been enjoying our xmas tree...dressed up with some vintage sheet goodness - don't worry, i couldn't bear to cut into that lovely sheet, i simply wrapped it around the tree.  we're low maintenance like that around here.  that's how we roll peeps.

and what's that on our tv??? that's right...the holiday fireplace.  we are the losers who put the holiday fireplace on tv when we actually have a fireplace.  hahaha...i know...weird right?  but i love watching it on the tv and the sound....delicious.  i get all warm and toasty just thinking about it.  i will also admit to being hopelessly addicted to watching for "the arm".  you all know what i'm talking least the people who live where you can watch holiday fireplace...the arm that comes out once in a blue moon to stoke, poke and put wood on the fire.  it's a thrill i tell ya.  we all hoot and holler in our house whenever it happens.  the kids love it. in fact i took a pic of it just to prove what a loser i really and that the arm does in fact exist and he's wearing plaid this year!  i imagine a handsome, rugged hottie behind that arm...just lounging there with a cup of hot cocoa with my name on it :P

we also are attempting to up the dork factor even more by wearing these wayyyyy too much around the house..especially me.  and no, i will not show you a pic of me wearing

i've got some holiday crafts in the works to show you all next week, another fab giveaway as well as a fun guest post on saturday from me!  so stay tuned ladies!  so...tell me...what have you been up to this week?  are you "dorking" it up for the holidays?  am i alone in this?  are you a closet mail lover?  anyone else crushing on surprise packages as much as me?  chat it up girls! you know i love hearing from you :)