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rain, rain, come again

i cannot believe i have been living in victoria since december and hadn't gotten a waterproof jacket until monday.

i never seem to be able to bring myself to spend the money on the coat and myself. but finally, after a few weeks of conjoling and jer telling me to do it, we got me a coat. it's my new baby.

with all the walking, running and biking i am doing outside i am no longer going to come home drowning in my own clothes.

i did a bit of research beforehand and decided to go with northface. jer has one as does my sis and his sis. they are all happy with their jackets.

i went with the W Venture Parka, in of course, brown! what a surprise! another part of the reason i had never purchased a waterproof jacket before is that they were the most unflattering coat on me. because of my boobage, they made me look like a big long sausage. yuck! so when i saw the above coat on their website and noticed it actually had a waist i was sold. i can adjust the waist and bottom cinching, the hood size (which is a plus cause i have a small head) and it has pit zips, so when i am running i can let the air flow under my arms. perfect. it was monsooning here on monday night when i biked home from pilates and thought i may drown in it, but low and behold, my upper body stayed perfectly dry which is alot more than i can say for my rain soaked booty.

i am looking forward to trying it out this weekend on Quadra Island when we are there for thanksgiving. we haven't been there since last thanksgiving and i am excited to let mack run wild with nature now that she is old enough. last time we were there she wasn't walking yet. it should be lots of fun and we are looking forward to staying with char/tymon for a few nights in campbell river as well. we haven't seem them since our wedding.

if i don't post for a few days happy gobble, gobble to you all! i hope you gobble yourself silly on all the yummy turkey and potatoes, enjoy the post meal pant unzip (don't act like you don't know what i am talking about, you all know you do it) and give thanks for all of your blessings.

if my family in kitimat is reading this post, i miss you all tons and tons and would kill to have some of nana's delicous turkey dinner this year. i wish we were there to celebrate with you, but since i won't be, i give thanks for all the wonderful, tummy filling, sleep inducing meals you have provided me with over my lifetime. i love you all and oh, if you play a game after dinner, make sure dad doesn't cheat...haha.