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prince 3 cd collection - lotusflower

i have something to ready....i am a prince fan. i heart prince and used to have a life size poster of him above my bed. i have never been able to see him in concert and to this day that bothers me. i am not sure what i find so attractive about a small man who wears high heels and makeup, but damn, he makes good music and he can move. i can still vividly remember the first time i watched purple rain and since then prince has played a huge role in the soundtrack of my teenage years, ok and my adult ones, so i was super excited to see he has a new collection coming out - under the name prince (not the symbol) and not just 1 cd, but 3!

rumour is that the new collection lotus flower is only being sold at target. i haven't been able to get a sneak listen to it yet, but i am crossing my fingers and my heels that it's a good one. i am alone or are any of you out there prince fans as well?