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wreath tutorial roundup

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i've been wanting to make a wreath for the holidays for a few years now, but haven't ever found the time to get it at the top of my crafting list during xmas. this year, it's right up there. so i set out on a wild escapade across the blogoshpere in search of the perfect wreath to make for our humble abode. i quickly realized it was going to be way harder to choose than i thought and that i couldn't possible keep all of these to myself. so here's a fun roundup of some of my fave wreath tutorials for the holidays!

how about bright & colorful...

wonderful wreath

feather wreath

or calm & serene...

1. seashell wreath 2. yarn ball holiday wreath

maybe neutral & natural...

paper doily wreath

1. paper wreath 2. clothesline wreath 3. ruffly felt wreath 4. tinsel wreath

acorn wreath

1. pinecone wreath 2. driftwood wreath

or fun & funky?

1. popcorn wreath 2. ribbon wreath 3. vintage sheet wrapped wreath

1. modern fall wreath 2. pom pom wreath

extra links to more wreath roundups:

- 30 best wreaths
- decor8 wreath roundup

reader faves:

- fall pom-pom wreath
- banner wreath
- striped felt wreath
- evergreen wreath
- ribbon wreath
- scrappy wreath
- gumdrop wreath

are you making a wreath this year? which one do you like best? feel free to leave a link in the comments to your fave wreath tutorial, we all love to see & i'll add the readers faves to the post for you all! happy making!