weekend wishes

to get my hands on this quilt block...........

to start whipping out some new handmade scarves...and then sport a scarf bow this fall.....

to find some material to match this color scheme......

to finally get my hands on some antique lace....

to have a heckuva lotta fun at this place on sunday.....

and then find some of these to put on my inspiration board....

image source

ok, no wish for this pic except to hear you all chuckle.....

(sorry, can't find the link)

to share one of these with mackenzie......

to freak some people out with this.........

the hairdresser in me wants to figure out a way to get my hair into this hairstyle.

hi all, how's your week going? any fun plans this weekend? i'm super excited about mine! i'm off to ikea!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh! we've got a van, we've got some girls, one cute baby and we're going on a super ikea sized adventure! it's gonna involve girl chat, coffee, ferries, shopping and lots of fun. i'm so excited to get the revamp of my "sewing wall" in gear! i still haven't decided on the desk but i will keep you all posted on that. i'll be posting pics as i go through the process. anyone suggest a fave ikea fabric while i'm there? i haven't been in ages - what's your fave?

this week has burnt me out so i'm gonna go curl up on the couch with my baby girl, who is currently singing to us (imagine gizmo from the gremlins in a cute way) and my hubby and enjoy all the good tv on tonight. bring me some big bang theory, bad haired donald trump and some funny 30rock and i'm a happy girl. then i am going to attempt to go to bed early. i always say that and it never happens, but tonight i'm gonna try. oh ,and if any of you have sent me emails this week and are awaiting replies, bear with me. the inbox has taken over and i'll be trying to catch up soon.

what are you trying to catch up on this week? any fun plans this weekend? fave new tv show you caught? (did y'all hear netflix is finally in canada - super excited!) let's have a chat over...hmmmmm.....maybe a pumpkin spice latte? yeah.....that sounds delicious. get out your fave mug....and come on in, i've got one here for you too.