jane and i will be packing up our samples and hitting the road for a mini book tour this weekend for ISLAND!!!  woot woot!  we're heading over to vancouver and to lovely gibsons, bc! 

here are the stops on our mini tour :

Friday, January 25th from 7 pm - 9 pm
4437 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
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Saturday, January 26th from 1 pm - 3 pm
#602-21183 88th Avenue, Langley, BC

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Saturday, January 26th from 7 pm - 9 pm
2667 E. Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC

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Sunday, January 27th from 1 pm - 4 pm
8-1161 Sunshine Coast Highway, Gibsons, BC

Event Page on Facebook

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...if you are local to the Lower Mainland or the Sunshine Coast, come on out and see us at one of these stops! we can't wait to say hi & for you all to see the lovely knitted items from the book in person!  be sure to come up and say hello and if you are a ravelry friend let us know both your rav id name and your real name!  it's funny how many people we know only by ravid's! funny but true!

we're looking forward to the tour and hope you all are too!  see you this weekend!  

p.s. if you can't make it out you can also follow along with us on instagram.  follow jane at "janerichmond"  and myself at "luvinthemommyhood" we'll be using the hashtag #islandtour.